Recently, we were in Grapevine, Texas looking at the Christmas lights, and we happened upon this photo-op.
The Game of Life®
Colleen, Grace, and Zach were playing The Game of Life® the other day. It was Zach’s first time to play. And since he is just three years old there were some obvious challenges for the girls to maintain their sanity and interest in the game.
One bright spot came when Zach had to choose between two occupations. One of the jobs was a veterinarian, which is the one Zach naturally chose. When Colleen asked him if he wanted to be an animal doctor, he said, “No, I want to be an animal.”
The Titan @ Six Flags
Am I a bad professor if . . .
Am I a bad professor if I let a student sleep through the last half of class? If you answered no, would your answer change if you knew that I also allowed the rest of the students (their idea, not mine) to quietly exit the class and leave the student to sleep through lunch?
My daughter thought I owed the student a lunch. I disagreed. My initial thought was if a person is paying $250 per credit hour and sleeps through the class, they must need some sleep . . . so, let them sleep. Is that wrong?
Wharton, TX: The Teepee Motel
Built in 1942 and restored in 2006, the Teepee Motel is a “distinctive landmark motel from America’s golden age of highway travel.” It’s a throwback to the days before the Interstate Highway System came to dominate travel across America; the days when the trip was as much a part of the vacation as the destination.
Certainly air travel and the Interstate Highway System have given us conven-ience, but in doing so, we’ve lost the experience of places like the Teepee Motel and roadside rest stops with BBQ grills, which, by the way, can still be found on many west Texas state highways. Though, I’ve never slowed down enough to see if people actually stop long enough to grill anything.