Rodeo Update

Well, I survived. A great time was had by all, and my legs still hurt more than I could have imagined. But that’s what 4-5 hours of competing on horseback will do.

We were divided into teams, but the ropers (a specialty skill) served double, and sometimes triple duty on different teams. In the end, there were no trophy buckles or saddles, which is fine. We had the chance to spend the day on horses, encouraging one another in our efforts.

I had my first opportunity to ride a horse out of a roping box, which made me realize how much of a specialty skill calf/steer roping really is. There’s a lot involved in guiding the horse with one hand and trying to rope with the other.

I appreciate those who made their horses available to those of us who don’t have horses. I especially appreciate Mr. Smith who let me ride Tonka most of the day. I tried to ride the sorrel horse in the photo at the top, but couldn’t reign him in a way that worked for either of us. So, I switched to Tonka (more affectionately known as “Chubs”) and had a great day.

Grace also rode Tonka.

It was about 25 years ago . . .

. . . that I last put on a pair of these:

This Saturday, I may wear them again. I’m entered in Temple Baptist Church’s Missionary Rodeo in Dumas, Texas.

I wasn’t very good back then, so I’m not expecting to win all-around cowboy or anything like that. Hopefully, I’ll have fun and be able to manage my horse well. I don’t think there will be any rough-stock events (that’s bucking events for those not familiar with rodeo lingo), which is good since it would be foolish for me to get on anything that bucks.

I was on a horse about a month ago, so I hope that was a sufficient re-orientation for me. 

Here’s my motto for this rodeo:

Is This Really Rodeo?

I like rodeo. In fact, I enjoy almost everything about it. But I’m wondering if this actually qualifies as rodeo.

Foto Friday: Some Cowboys Love Jesus

It’s been some years since I have been to a rodeo, and many more since I was a pretty bad bull rider.

One of the things that I noticed this week at the Sandhills Rodeo, was that cowboys seem to display symbols of their faith more than they did when I was rodeoing.

This Christian bull rider is ready to slide up on his rope and call for the gate.

Foto Friday: Burgers or Buckers

This herd of young bulls has reached the moment of truth: They prove they can buck or they make their way to your grocer’s freezer.