Although I defended my dissertation and everything was finalized on 30 November 2013, my Ph.D. was not conferred until this morning. It’s been a LONG almost 5 months, and I’m thankful the wait is finally over.
You can read my reasons for choosing the University of Pretoria here.
My dissertation – Palestinian Muslims converting to Christianity: effective evangelistic methods in the West Bank – can be downloaded for free here.
This long project could not have been completed without the help of many people, and I want to include my acknowledgement page below:
Jesus Christ: You are the reason I embarked on this journey. Thank you for providing strength and encouragement along the way. I long for the day your name is considered great among all peoples. May this work be helpful to that end.
Colleen, Grace and Zach: I love you more than you can know. I could not have finished this without your patience and longsuffering. Thank you. What shall we do with all the extra time we’ll have now that this project is complete?
Gatekeepers: You opened the doors for this research and were indispensible. Thank you. You share in any good that results from this project.
Respondents: Your stories made this work possible. Thank you. As Jesus prayed for those who would believe because of his disciples’ testimonies (Jn 17:20), I pray for those who will come to faith because of your testimonies.
Prof. Attie van Niekerk: Thank you for the gentle pushback and suggestions, which improved my thinking and the quality of this thesis.
Ms Rina Roos: Thank you for patiently serving as my cultural go-between. You helped me survive the cultural differences of a South African university.
University of Pretoria: Thank you for the bursary that made this work possible.
Bill Soper: Thank you for your friendship and tireless research assistance.
Dr. Carl Johnson and Dr. Alicia Massingill: Thank you for helping to keep me on task by consistently asking how I was progressing and for helpful comments on my content.
Arlington Baptist College Administration: Thank you for the scheduling flexibility that allowed me to work on this project while still teaching a full course load.
Arlington Baptist College Colleagues and Students: Thank you for patiently listening to me talk about “my research.” Your patience allowed me to talk things out and improved the product.
Dr. Greg Baxter and Chris Regas: Thank you both for your many helpful comments and words of encouragement in the process.
Dr. J. Scott Bridger, a fellow sojourner in this field: Thank you for enduring countless clarifications on Arabic language issues.
Well done, Craig!
Congratulations, Dr. Dunning!