Old City Facelift

Many people don’t stop to consider that a city the age of the Old City of Jerusalem needs to constantly undergo repairs. But it does. On any given day, there is some type of maintenance being done on the ancient portions of the city.

Currently, the Old City walls (completed circa 1540) are being shored up above Shimon Gibson’s Zion Gate excavation.

Over the last year or two, this same type of restoration has been done around Jaffa Gate (north of the gate), along the western city wall between Jaffa Gate and Zion Gate, at the Western Wall (aka Kotel and Wailing Wall), and on both the southern and eastern walls at the southeastern corner of the Temple Mount. I’m sure there are other places, too, but these immediately come to mind.

About 300 yards north of the wall repairs, inside the Old City, the southern Cardo is undergoing some work, too.

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