Screwtape Letters Part 4: Repost

UPDATE: This is a repost (with certain edits/improvements) of my most popular blog series in honor of the 50th anniversary of C.S. Lewis’ death.

Click here to get your copy of the 50th anniversary annotated edition.



screwtape50thbChapter 4

The topic of  this chapter is prayer.

Uncle Screwtape writes:

“The best thing, where it is possible, is to keep the patient from the serious intention of praying altogether.”

Oh how weak and irregular is the prayer life of so many Christians. How tragic that the prayer life that Jesus modeled doesn’t motivate us to be more diligent in our intention and practice of prayer. Father, make me more like your Son.

To better understand the intent of such a prayer see, for example, Mark 1:35, Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 14:23, Luke 6:12, Luke 22:32, Luke 22:41-44, John 17:1-26, and Hebrews 5:7.

Two more thoughts from Uncle Screwtape:

“It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.”

“Teach them to estimate the value of each prayer by their success in producing the desired feeling; and never let them suspect how much success or failure of that kind depends on whether they are well or ill, fresh or tired, at the moment.”

To be continued…

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