Zach’s Rube Goldberg Machine

Zach recently completed a Rube Goldberg Machine for a school project. Although I knew about such a “machine” I didn’t know what it was called. For those who are like me, here’s the definition: ” … a machine intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overly complicated way.”

The objective of the project was to create a machine that accomplishes one task, but Zach’s machine accomplished three tasks. I filmed the project and edited into a short video submission. It’s not the best editing job, but gets the idea across well enough that Zach’s teacher asked to keep the video as an example for future students.

Nixa High School at the White House

My daughter is a senior at Nixa High School, so this story is close to home. The art department at NHS was selected to create some tree ornaments for the national Christmas tree and the White House Christmas tree. Our’s was the only school from Missouri selected this year for this honor.

The kids were required to tie Christmas and Missouri together in their designs. The video below is a nice summary of the project.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m thankful for precious memories.

Happy 6th Birthday, Zach!

Happy Birthday, Zach! You are a treasure beyond our greatest hopes. We love you.

Happy 17th Anniversary

On August 7, 1999, at the Temple Baptist Church in Odessa, Texas, Colleen and I promised to take one another as partners in life, for the rest of our lives. Colleen’s brother Shannon walked her down the aisle and gave her away. She’s been mine ever sense, and I’m the better for it.

Craig and Colleen Dunning leaving their wedding reception on August 7, 1999.

Craig and Colleen Dunning leaving their wedding reception on August 7, 1999.