A Personal Psalm

Following is a personal psalm that I wrote ten years ago for the occasion of my ordination. It is based on the model of Psalm 136 and served as a wonderful opportunity to identify and proclaim the many ways that God has worked in my life. I commend the exercise to you for your personal edification.

A Psalm of Thanks

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for His mercy endures forever.
O give thanks unto the God of gods; for he is good: for His mercy endures forever.
O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for His mercy endures forever.

To Him who alone doeth great wonders: for His mercy endures forever.

To Him who has given me loving parents: for His mercy endures forever:
Who have always been supportive even when they didn’t understand the direction of my life: His mercy endures forever.

To Him who gave me someone who would become a “best friend”: His mercy endures forever:
Who first invited me to church: His mercy endures forever:
And expressed a concern for my soul: His mercy endures forever.

To Him who sent a preacher with the message of salvation: His mercy endures forever:
Who preached with passion and love: His mercy endures forever:
And clearly communicated to me salvation in Christ: His mercy endures forever.

To Him who gave me men and women who would train me in godliness: His mercy endures forever:
Who opened the Holy Scriptures to me: His mercy endures forever:
And guided me in wisdom: His mercy endures forever.

To Him who allowed me to live in Zion: His mercy endures forever:
And gave me a family and ministry in the Holy City, Jerusalem: His mercy endures forever:
And set within my heart a love for his people, Israel: His mercy endures forever.

To Him who shall sustain me through trials and temptations: His mercy endures forever:
When the tempest shall rage about me, He is sure: His mercy endures forever:
When burdens are heavy, He is strong: His mercy endures forever:
Though darkness may encompass me, He giveth light: His mercy endures forever.

To Him who now sends me out by the laying on of hands: His mercy endures forever.

O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for His mercy endures forever.

Modeled after Psalm 136 by Craig Dunning – October 30, 1996


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is water to my soul tonight.

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