Our Engagement

Craig and Colleen, standing on the Charles Bridge (Prague, Czech Republic) after he asked her to marry him, 2 NOV 1998.

Craig and Colleen, standing on the Charles Bridge (Prague, Czech Republic) after he asked her to marry him, 2 NOV 1998.

On November 2, 1998, which was 1 year, 10 months, and 9 days after we met at Chinese Kitchen in Odessa, Texas, Colleen and I were engaged on the Charles Bridge in Prague. That morning I flew into Prague, and Colleen, who was working in Czech Republic at the time, met me at the airport. However, before crossing passport control, I went into the restroom to make the final preparations for my plan.

Because I intended to pop the question on the Charles Bridge, and I didn’t know how she would respond, I tied the ring to my belt with fishing line. Although I didn’t expect her to jump up and down shouting “YEEEESSSSSSS!” I didn’t want to take the risk that in her excitement she might unintentionally toss the ring into the river or drop it and it fall through a drain. It was hard enough to get the ring in hand, I didn’t want to see it sink to the bottom of the Vltava River. Although it took a few minutes to get the fishing line rolled up properly and the ring stored in my pocket in a way that would keep me from accidentally pulling it out at the wrong time, the feeling of security was worth the time.

Before taking the bus to Brno, the city in which Colleen worked and lived, we spent the rest of the morning and afternoon touring Prague. We did all the touristy stuff. But most of all, we simply enjoyed spending time together.

When the time seemed right, I suggested we walk across the bridge. And, when we got to a place on the bridge that seemed right, I slowed down and drew Colleen’s attention, got down on one knee, extended the ring toward her, and asked, “Will you marry me?” She immediately and calmly said, “Yes.”

Time seemed to stand still for a bit as a few people looked on, smiling at what they had witnessed: A man and woman offering and accepting to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

I’m so happy she said, “Yes.”

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